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Michaels Energy Division hires new Energy Engineer

By January 24, 2013July 3rd, 2024Archive

Michaels Energy Division hires new Energy Engineer

La Crosse, WI – June 4, 2009 – Michaels Engineering would like to announce the addition of a new Energy Efficiency Division team member, Andy Plzak.

Plzak has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. While attending UW – Madison, he was part of the Future Energy Challenge team and was tasked with designing and building a functional 1000W inverter which could feed electricity back to the grid from small residential DC sources (i.e. PV cells, roof-mounted wind turbines, etc).

His most recent experience includes a position with Trane in La Crosse, testing refrigeration compressors. This experience gave him a solid understanding of most types of refrigeration systems and piqued his interest in energy efficiency.

Andy can be contacted via email at

The entire staff at Michaels Engineering would like to welcome Andy to our organization. His education and work experience make him a valuable addition to the Energy Efficiency team.

Liz Haworth

Author Liz Haworth

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