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Electrification Stakeholder Engagement

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Energy Grid Optimization

The Minnesota Department of Commerce, Division of Energy Resources, partnered with Michaels Energy (by way of a U.S. Department of Energy grant) to conduct an extensive stakeholder engagement process to explore the challenges and opportunities of electrification for grid optimization.

Electrification Action Plan Details

Based on the outcomes of the stakeholder engagement process, an action plan was developed for policymakers, regulatory agencies, and interested parties to expand electrification in Minnesota where it is determined to be beneficial. The action plan helps clarify regulatory, technology, measurement, and grid modernization issues related to electrification, and include action items to better capture electrification opportunities in Minnesota.

Examine the possible benefits and concerns of using electrification as a tool for grid optimization in Minnesota, informed by in-depth research, stakeholder engagement, and the development of an action plan.

We examined use of electrification as a tool for increasing energy efficiency, reducing carbon emissions, maximizing grid optimization, and developing recommendations for policymakers, regulatory agencies, and utilities.

To achieve this, a series of stakeholder meetings was held in 2020 to educate stakeholders and facilitate discussion on electrification regulation and policy, technologies, performance metrics, and grid modernization benefits. We also formed a smaller Technical Advisory Committee working group to work through some of the specific technical issues on the topic.

Based on the outcomes of this stakeholder engagement, the project team developed an action plan detailing whether and how Minnesota can most effectively leverage electrification.

This work was funded by a State Energy Program competitive grant award from the U.S. Department of Energy. Minnesota was one of 16 states to receive the competitive grant award, which is funding $5 million in projects, nationwide. The SEP competitive awards are intended to advance innovative approaches for local clean energy development that will reduce energy bills for American families and businesses, protect the environment by reducing carbon emissions, and increase our nation’s energy security. Read more on the awards.

The Minnesota Department of Commerce Division of Energy Resources has partnered with Michaels Energy on this project, with some stakeholder engagement support from the Environmental Initiative. For questions about the project contact:

Carl Samuelson, Michaels Energy: 612.418.5496 or

Anthony Fryer, Minnesota Department of Commerce: 651.539.1858 or

Project Reports

View papers, presentation slides and webinar recordings from past meetings.

Stakeholder Whitepapers

[1] The authors of the multifamily housing white papers are also leaders of the Minnesota Multifamily Affordable Housing Energy Network.

Resources from Stakeholder Meeting #3

The Technical Advisory Committee process has concluded.  This webinar features representatives of each of the three subgroups to share key discussion elements and recommendations.  The subgroups focused on Technology, Metrics, and Grid Impacts.

Technical Advisory Committee Subgroup representatives presenting:

  • Technology Subgroup: Travis Hinck, GDS Associates
  • Metrics Subgroup: Grey Staples, Mendota Group
  • Grid Impacts Subgroup: Jenny Edwards, Center for Energy and Environment

Carl Samuelson, Michaels Energy

Anthony Fryer, MN Department of Commerce – Project Principal

Guest Speakers:
Ana Sophia Mifsud, Rocky Mountain Institute
Samantha Caputo, Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnership (NEEP)
Jessica Allison, California Public Utilities Commission

Technical Advisory Committee Meetings

  • TAC members were selected based on volunteer interest from stakeholders. The TAC met 2 times as a large group and 9 times in subgroups (3 meetings per subgroup) to consider the topics of technology, metrics, and grid impacts.
  • Results from TAC meetings will be shared with all stakeholders on February 4, 2021.

Resources from Stakeholder Meeting #2b

The second stakeholder meeting highlights speakers sharing insight and current practices for electrification policy and regulation in other states.  Stakeholder comments and questions during the meeting will be used to inform the work of the Technical Advisory Committee.

The event included the following presenters:

  • Ana Sophia Mifsud, Rocky Mountain Institute
  • Samantha Caputo, Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnership (NEEP)
  • Jessica Allison, California Public Utilities Commission

Resources from Stakeholder Meeting #2a

The second stakeholder meeting highlighted a diverse set of speakers addressing challenges and opportunities for electrification in Minnesota.  Stakeholder comments and questions were collected during the meeting to inform the work of the Technical Advisory Committee.

The event included the following presenters:

  • Winona LaDuke, Honor the Earth
  • Ben Benoit, Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
  • Jenny Edwards, Center for Energy and Environment
  • Andrew Moratzka, Stoel Rives
  • Kevin Lawless, The Forward Curve and Hourcar
  • Carmen Carruthers, Citizens Utility Board
  • Ben Passer, Fresh Energy

Resources from Stakeholder Meeting #1

This was the first of a series of Stakeholder meetings examining the possible benefits of using electrification as a tool for grid optimization in Minnesota through research, stakeholder engagement, and the development of an action plan. This meeting provided an introduction to the topic from a national and state-specific viewpoint. The meeting provided an introduction to the stakeholder and technical advisory committee work plan.

Introduction Presentation – Anthony Fryer, MN Department of Commerce
Keynote Presentation – Tom Wilson, EPRI
White Paper and Stakeholder Process Introduction – Carl Samuelson, Michaels Energy

MN Fuel Switching Stakeholder Process

WEBINAR - The Electrified Frontier

Electrification has garnered a lot of attention recently across the country. Likewise in Minnesota, electrification and the associated concept of fuel switching within conservation programs have been the subject of conversations, research, policy dockets, program amendments, and conferences. The surge of interest in electrification stems from a new understanding of electrification as a tool that could provide societal benefits like carbon reductions, cost savings, efficiency, and grid benefits.

The Minnesota Department of Commerce commissioned Michaels Energy to write a white paper through their Conservation Applied Research and Development (CARD) fund. The research gathered stakeholder and expert perspectives on electrification and fuel switching.
The goal of the paper was to:

Provide Minnesota-centric analysis on the topic of electrification and fuel switching.
Provide a primer to inform all CIP stakeholders and enable better participation in future stakeholder engagement opportunities.

Frame-up key questions and decision points for discussion by stakeholders and consideration by regulators.
In this hour-long webinar, Michaels Energy will share the results of the interviews, a literature review, and technology research. Department of Commerce staff will provide some perspective on other efforts underway in Minnesota to gather stakeholder input on the topic. This webinar, and the white paper, both seek to be introductory resources for the industry and raise the baseline of knowledge to improve future engagement.

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