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behavioral economics

Guest Post: I Get So Emotional, Baby

By Energy Rant One Comment
Sorry, it’s not Whitney Houston, or Jeff Ihnen, writing this week’s Rant. It’s Kristin Laursen filling in while Jeff puts his feet up, sips martinis, and listens to 90s love songs (at least two of the three of those are true). Last week in Jeff’s Rant, he told us that consumers rule and drive everything, and that we’re “notoriously bad at math and buy for emotional and other reasons.” I can personally attest to the bad at math part, but the buying based on emotions can be explained through behavioral economics. Behavioral economics gives us insight into human behavior to…
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Behavioral Economics; A Quiz

By Energy Rant One Comment
Expressions Hair Design versus Schneiderman. That may sound like a softball or bowling league matchup, but it is actually a Supreme Court case that was heard last week. How in the world does this relate to energy efficiency? It is a case of behavioral economics and the Constitution, believe it or not. Energy efficiency has everything to do with behavioral economics, or maybe it’s the other way around. Behavioral Economics Behavioral economics posits that emotional bias leads to poor economic decisions. Did someone say electric car? I couldn’t resist. There is no doubt about it. People make poor economic choices…
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