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Energy and Load Management

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Ensure all cost-effective measures

Michaels Energy offers a variety of energy and load management services for utility companies, local/state/federal governments, and commercial and industrial customers.

Michaels’ energy and load management services align with our focus on solving, and in some cases avoiding, complex problems for large energy users. Our team of technical experts (engineers) have a heavy role in energy program implementation and load management services to ensure all cost-effective measures are captured. Measures are then tested to assure savings will be realized.

Our Flagship Offerings

If you can’t find what you’re looking for in our traditional services below, contact us today. We’re always cooking up new innovative offerings from electrification, grid-interactive efficient buildings (GEBs), specialized training, and more.

Strategic Energy Management (SEM) is an organization-wide approach that sets long-term energy savings goals and puts systems in place to track those goals.

Our program approach is centered on flexibility for the customer – adapting to ever-changing facilities, driving significant and long-term energy savings, and making efficient practices long-term and persistent. By helping the customer identify their current strengths in energy management, we help them grow in their energy practices.

Features & Benefits

Energy Management Practices

Certified Facilitators

Assessment by Expert Energy Engineer

Skills Required for Follow-on Services

Energy Management Information System Platforms

Main Value Points

Assesses Critical Level of Management

C-Suite Involvement

Management and Facility Benchmarking


Maintain Savings Over Long-Term

Industrial customers do not fit into the commercial new construction model and often miss out on this type of design assistance.

Michaels developed a program specifically for industrial new construction. This is not a commercial new construction program hammered to fit industrial projects. It is designed to fit the unique design and construction phases of any industrial and manufacturing construction project. Moreover, the program addresses key barriers that are unique to industrial construction projects and not present in commercial construction projects.

Features & Benefits

New Source of Savings

Baselines are Well Documented

Increasing Graduated Incentives

Evaluation in Waves

Handsome Incentives for Design Team

M&V for Implemented Projects

Main Value Points

Meet Portfolio Goals

Defendable Savings that Persist

More Savings Toward Goals

Trade Ally and Customer Satisfaction

Efficient Design Alternatives

Greater Realized Savings

Commercial New Construction programs should be flexible, scalable and easy for the customer and designers to use.

Our approach to new construction design assistance provides technically sound energy calculations and cost estimations that are delivered at the right time for architects, engineers, and owners. This allows them to make the best possible decisions for their buildings during a chaotic design process. We use state of the art modeling technology, as well as custom calculations where existing modeling software doesn’t provide suitable accuracy.

Features & Benefits

Program Incentivizes

Prescribed Menu of Design Features

Menu-Driven Program

Clear Savings Potential

Measurement and Verification

Main Value Points

Deeper Energy Savings

Acceptance is High

High Customer Satisfaction

More Cost Effective

Avoids Savings Deductions

Retro-commissioning optimizes a facility's performance for energy utilization, occupant comfort, and indoor air quality.

Our program design utilizes a screening process to bring the right customers to the program, as well as customer training and meter monitoring to assure customer satisfaction and persistence of savings. Our approach to implementing retro-commissioning programs provides expert guidance through a complicated process without hassle and confusion for the customer.

Features & Benefits

Fast Screening and Enrollment

100% Study Reimbursement

Real Time Verification

Detailed Training

New Source of Energy Savings

Main Value Points

Higher Close Rates

Low Administrative Costs

Savings don’t get wiped out on EM&V

Overcome Regulatory Hurdles

Meet Savings Goals

Improve the performance of your building without the hassle, time, or unwanted expense.

Like cars and people, building HVAC control systems require check-ups and maintenance to perform at their best. The Find and Fix – Automated Systems program offers automated systems check-ups for the busy facility manager. This quick, proactive solution helps reduce overhead costs, complaints, and chronic repairs.

Features & Benefits

HVAC Control Systems Review

Targeted Measure List

Real Time Verification

Quick Turnaround on Projects

Main Value Points

Low to No Risk

Easy for Customers to Participate

Improved Customer Satisfaction

Instant Savings for your Portfolio

Beneficial electrification is a key strategy in the energy transition to a low-carbon energy system. Our team can help develop cost-effective strategies to transition from fossil fuels to electricity to maximize value for the organization and the planet.

Continuous commissioning picks up where commissioning or retro-commissioning ends. It’s a way to fine-tune setpoints to squeeze the last bit of savings out of energy-using systems. From there, it continuously monitors system setpoints and functionality to ensure top performance and efficiency. Facility managers are automatically notified by text, instant message, or email when monitored equipment drifts or falls out of performance specifications.

To transition from carbon-intensive practices to more sustainable and low-carbon alternatives, Michaels develops decarbonization road maps for commercial and industrial facilities. Our roadmaps outline steps, initiatives, and technologies needed to achieve significant carbon reduction goals. We optimize cost-effectiveness by prioritizing measures that generate the most cash flow early on to enable continuous reinvestment into deeper decarbonization.

Michaels delivers demand response and load management services to commercial and industrial energy users directly and for demand response aggregators and utilities. Load shedding and shifting are the primary means for grid flexibility to manage and reduce peak electricity demand, avoiding the need for additional infrastructure investment and enhancing grid reliability. In addition to conventional load management, Michaels offers thermal energy storage with automated control to permanently shift load or serve as a demand response resource.

Illustration of 4 people working at desk

Looking for a partner to help with your energy programs?


Michaels Energy has been using our passion for all-things-energy to help building owners, utilities, consultants and partners save energy and design high performing systems, processes and programs since 1984. Energy efficiency, resource preservation, and long-term cost effectiveness are an integral part of everything we do.