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Dive Into Cement Manufacturing Emissions

By Energy Rant No Comments
Over the years, I’ve seen numerous mentions of decarbonizing concrete or cement. Random articles describing the need and means to decarbonize cement include this McKinsey article, this DOE post, and this Canary Media article. Those don’t cut it for me. I set out to explore cement making and why it is so carbon-intensive. But first, some terminology review is advised to differentiate cement from concrete. Growing up, in college, and even post-college, we used the term cement synonymously with concrete. E.g., “cement hands” to describe a guy who couldn’t catch a basketball or football or “cement head” to tell civil engineers. Each of…
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Picture of a house with a title that says design an attractive cozy home

Design an Attractive, Cozy Home

By Energy Rant No Comments
Minnesota’s Clean Energy Resource Teams recently published an online article, Things I learned about heat pumps: a homeowner's perspective. I shared this with some folks, and in response, I was asked for general advice on new home construction. I am not a residential efficiency expert, but I performance-specified a new home built for my wife and me back in 2000, and in recent years I side-graded to a smaller home built in 1934. I learned a lot from both experiences. I won’t advise, but I will say what I would do if I were to provide a conceptual design with…
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