Energy Division Manager Elected to IAEE BOD
La Crosse, WI – December 2, 2009 – Michaels Engineering would like to congratulate Jeffrey L. Ihnen, Energy Division Manager, on his re-election to the Iowa Association for Energy Efficiency (IAEE) Board of Directors. Jeff was elected to his third consecutive two-year term to the board as a voting member.
The IAEE has roots going back more than 20 years. What began as the Iowa Solar Energy Association later morphed into the broader energy focus of today. With members across the state and beyond, the IAEE continues to be the preferred organization for energy professionals as it provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and experiences, allowing members to remain on the cutting edge. If you have questions regarding the IAEE or if you are looking for information on membership, please contact Jeff at 608-785-1900 or via email at